ChatGPT — A Tool for Effortless Drafting

Syafiq Kay
3 min readJan 30, 2023
Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

As a writer, I often struggle with writer’s block and it can be frustrating to have an idea in mind but not be able to express it. That’s where ChatGPT comes in handy. This advanced language model has transformed the way I approach writing and creating content. It offers suggestions and inspiration, breaking down barriers to boost my productivity.

I like to think of ChatGPT as a writing mentor and an endless pool of precedents. Before I start using it in every aspects of my life, I want to address a few concerns that I have in my mind.

Is it cheating?

I did wonder if using ChatGPT is cheating. I am the one who supposed to do the writing. The idea is, after all, supposed to come from us. I asked ChatGPT about this and I am pleasantly surprised that it says ChatGPT is meant as a starting point and that I could add value by adding my own experience and perspective on it.

Does it count as plagiarism?

If so, I would be in trouble because plagiarism is a serious issue. It is about using someone else’s work without proper attribution. I don’t think I am using someone else’s work without proper attribution. I used it as a starting point. In fact, when I asked ChatGPT, I gave it ideas, telling it the vision that I have in my head. In a way, it is a bit like using it as a sounding board and instead of just hearing my own voice reflecting on me, I had the input of hundreds of thousands of cumulative knowledge. Isn’t this what barristers do when using precedents? I contend that it is, so using ChatGPT is not plagiarism.

This blog post

When I asked ChatGPT to write a blog post, it combined all my ideas into a coherent piece, adding new ones I hadn’t considered. However, it was up to me to change the structure, rephrase sentences, and personalize the content to make it unique. This got me thinking, if ChatGPT can write such a beautifully crafted piece, there is no point in me writing. what value do I bring to the table? I fear that the more I use ChatGPT, the more my own writing skills may deteriorate. So, how do I balance utilizing its benefits while maintaining my own writing abilities?

I suppose the fact that I can find flaws in the writing and asking ChatGPT to change certain aspects of it or say something in a certain way is the way I add value. Nevertheless, I need to remind myself not to rely too much on ChatGPT. I am only going to use it as a starting point, putting ideas into paper, and think deeper about the ideas that I had. I think this is the value of ChatGPT, elevating our thinking to the next level.

What is your thought about this? Let me know in the comment section below.



Syafiq Kay

Pharmacist, aspiring barrister, productivity geek and learning enthusiast