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From thinking about mental board of advisors to writing a memoir: a brief thought

Syafiq Kay


I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to make the most of my future. It’s mainly the realisation that I am in my 30s and doesn’t feel like I accomplished anything. It’s tough to know which direction to take and I forget about the great things I did when I was younger. I could really use some guidance.

That reminds me of the concept, mental board of advisors that I came across from one of Ali Abdaal’s video. I think the one where he talks about making difficult decisions. The problem is I don’t really know who to include on my board.

So I decided to start reading memoirs of people I want to be and admire. Reading their stories has been really inspiring, and I’m learning so much from them. The books I read include:

  • "Unlawful Killing" by Judge Wendy QC
  • "A Life of Crime" by Sir Harry Ognall
  • "From Crime to Crime" by Richard Henriques
  • “Spare" by Prince Harry

But reading these memoirs also got me thinking about writing my own story. I’ve always wanted to reflect on my past and write a memoir, but I never really knew where to start. So, I asked ChatGPT for some tips, and she gave me some great advice.

First, she told me to brainstorm some events or experiences from my life that have been really significant to me.

One of the first things that came to mind was my first time in London. I was just 19 years old and I was there to attend an interview at Oxford and Southampton universities as part of my application to study medicine. I was really nervous, but I ended up falling in love with the city. Even though I didn’t get accepted to either universities, that experience taught me that I loved London and knew I wanted to be there.

Another experience that I want to write about is the first time I was scammed. It was during my second year of university when I was looking for a loan to pay for a Forex trading course. Long story short, I ended up being scammed out of £2000. I was so mad at myself and I felt like such a failure. I was so depressed and to survive, I lived off of beans on toast for months. But even though it was really tough, I learned a lot from the experience and became more careful with my money.

Once I’ve identified the events I want to write about, the next step is to create an outline and just start writing. I am reminding myself that it’s not going to be perfect at first. I will simply enjoy the journey. I’m excited to get started and see where my story takes me.

So, my plan for the blog is a mix of memoirs and exploring my curiousity.



Syafiq Kay

Pharmacist, aspiring barrister, productivity geek and learning enthusiast